Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering


The department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 1979 and its undergraduate program B.E.(Mech) is recognized by AICTE. The department has well equipped laboratories and is blessed with highly qualified, experienced & dedicated faculty. It has facilities for materials research and automotive research related to combustion, emissions and performance. It has successfully executed several industrial consultancy projects funded by organizations like Department of Scientific & Industrial Research(DSIR), Department of Science and Technology(DST), Karnataka Pollution Control Board to name a few. Striving for academic excellence by imparting quality technical education we also mould other essential human traits like discipline, moral values, leadership qualities in our graduate students enabling them to become competent engineers by the end of their course. The department also offers two post graduate programs M.Tech(“Thermal Power Engineering” and “Product Design & Manufacturing”).


Professor & Head

Vision of the Department

To carve technically proficient and competent Mechanical Engineering Graduates capable of addressing the needs of the society and the nation.

Mission of the Department

  • To impart quality technical education in the core area of Mechanical Engineering.
  • To inculcate Industrial practices for better professional growth.
  • To imbibe ethical values, promote entrepreneurship and impart soft skills and teamwork capabilities.
  • To ensure self-learning capabilities with an aptitude for research mostly focusing on societal needs

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO – 01: Provide students with sound foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze problems in the core/allied areas of Mechanical Engineering.
  • PEO – 02: Provide graduates with competency in the synthesis, modeling and analysis of mechanical/thermal/fluid data, assemblies and systems, research and consultancy in core areas of mechanical engineering, ensuring noticeable social impact.
  • PEO – 03: Promote awareness about Professional Ethics, inculcate skills for usage of software tools and prepare graduates of the program for continuous learning capabilities in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary domains

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Our Engineering graduates are able to

  • PSO1: Automated/Additive Manufacturing–demonstrate knowledge and understanding of manual and automated assembly/manufacturing systems including additive manufacturing systems.
  • PSO2: Entrepreneurship– recognize the need for and ability to engage in entrepreneurial activities

Dr. Hemantha Kumar T R

Professor & HOD

Experience: 29

Dr. Sanjeevamurthy


Experience: 36

Dr.Ashok Mehatha


Experience: 31



Experience: 28



Experience: 31

Dr. Ravindra sagar C S

Associate Professor

Experience: 20


Associate Professor

Experience: 17

Dr. Bhaskar HB

Associate Professor

Experience: 22

Mr. D.Parameswaramurthy

Assistant Professor

Experience: 26


Assistant Professor

Experience: 14

Mr. Bhaskar G

Assistant Professor

Experience: 13

Dr. Batluri Tilak Chandra

Assistant Professor

Experience: 13

Dr. Annapoorna T L

Assistant Professor

Experience: 13

Mr. Puneeth K

Assistant Professor

Experience: 13

Mr. Shankar Nag G L

Assistant Professor

Experience: 18

Mr. Lohith N

Assistant Professor

Experience: 14

Mr. Meghani Molies Reddy

Assistant Professor

Experience: 14

Dr. Leela B N

Assistant Professor

Experience: 15

Mrs. Roopashree C R

Assistant Professor

Experience: 07

Industrial VisitDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Organized a visit to JEC Industries, Tarikere for 5th semester students 19/12/2024
Value Added course Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a Three-day value added course cum workshop on Modeling and analysis of machine element (CATIA, Hyper-Mesh & Ansys) for 3rd and 4th year students 13/12/24 to 15/12/24
STUDENT CHAPTERInaguration of "AMPP SSIT" -Association for Materials Protection and Performance, was held along wit MEA Activities inauguration 02/12/2024
MOUSigned MOU with Cadmaxx Aeronautics Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru 02/12/2024
MEA activitiesInaugural program of Mechanical Engineering Association activities 2024-25 with launching of Mechanical Engineering Department Magazine Yanthrik and Newsletter-2024 was held 02/12/2024
Industrial VisitDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Organized a visit to Rajamane Indusrties,Niduvanda, Tumkur for 3rd semester students 25/11/2024
Cricket tournamentMechanical branch cricket tournament held for all the students of Mechanical department on the occasion of inaugural programme of MEA activity22/11/2024
Industrial visit Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a visit to Karthik Techno solutions, Yellapura, Tumkur for 5th semester students19/11/2024
BOOK PUBLISHEDDr Batluri Tilak Chandra, published the text book “Additive Manufacturing Processes” 4th November 2024
Technical TalkDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a Technical talk on "CLASS ROOM TO CORPORATE" by Dr. Sunil Kumar, Prof & HOD, R L Jallappa Institute of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore09/10/2024
Industrial VisitThe M. Tech 2nd Semester students of Product Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering visited 4 industries
1) Accutech Laser Pvt Ltd
2) SKR CNC center
3) Shiva Industries
4) Sri Manjunatha Profiles
at peenya Industrial area, Bangalore
13th July 2024, Saturday,
Industrial VisitThe M. Tech 2nd Semester students of Product Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering Visited Lakshmi Enterprises at yallapura, Antharasanahalli Industrial area, Tumkur06th July 2024, Saturday.
Technical TalkDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a Technical talk on "Carrier opportunities for Mechanical Engineers" by Mr Madhusudan Yadav, entrepreneur Srinika Industries, Bangalore for 4th sem students04/05/2024
WorkshopMEA organized a Three-day workshop on "IOT for Mechanical Engineering" by Mr Yogeesh M, Assistant Professor, ET & C department SSIT in Mechanical Engineering Department25/03/2024 to 27/03/2024
Value Added course Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with CADD Center, Tumkur organized a Value Added course on “Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerance” for the students of 2nd Year17th, 22nd June &
5th July 2023.
Online Demo Class Department of Mechanical Engineering, SSIT in association with CADD Center, Tumkur organised a " Online Demo Class on SAP" on 27th March 2023 from 11 to 12noon. To the staff and students of SSIT. 27th March 2023
Value Added course Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with CADD Center, Tumkur organized a Value Added course on “CATIA” for the students of 4th & 3rd year for 3 days14th to 16th Dec 2022
Industrial VisitDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a visit to Supa Hydro Power Plant, Dandeli for the students of 8th semester. 2022-12-08
workshopDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a one-day workshop on “Manufacturing Technology & Entrepreneurship” to the students of mechanical department by Mr. C. Manjunath, Managing partner, Multi – Tech Forging Technologies, Anthrasanahalli, Tumkuru2022-11-09
Mechanical Engineering Association & WorkshopInaugural Programme of Mechanical Engineering Association activities-2023 with a one-day workshop on “Art of executing a good research/ project, presentation and paper writing” by Dr. Vishwas M, Assistant Professor, SIT, Tumkur. 2022-10-08
Technical Talk“Career Opportunities for Mechanical / IEM engineers” by Mr.V. Subrahmanya Kumar, Business Head, Madhur Industrial & Allied Solutions, Bangalore2022-06-14
Yanthrik-2022 (department fest) organized by MEA in association with the department of IEM, to serve as a platform for showcasing the inherent and hidden talents of the students in both cocurricular and extracurricular activities2022-06-14
Technical TalkOrganized by MEA on topic “Modern Machine Tools” by the key speaker Digvijay Nath Pandey. Executive officer, Indian Machine tool Manufactures association 2022-05-14
Technical TalkOrganized by MEA on topic “JOB SUPPORTING ASSISTANTCE BEFORE GRADUATION” By the key speaker Daniel, Cloud Architecture, Accenture and Preetham, Web Developer, Indigene.2022-04-22
Cricket tournamentCricket tournament was arranged in mechanical department in association with MEA. All mechanical staffs and students are actively participated in the cricket tournament2022-01-14
MEA activitiesInaugural program of Mechanical Engineering Association activities 2022 with launching of Mechanical Engineering Department Magazine Yanthrik -2021 and Blood Donation Camp was held 2022-01-10
Hands on Training Program Two days hands on Training Program on CATIA V5 software is organized by Mechanical Engineering Association presented by Dessult Systems on 15/12/21 &16/12/21 by Key person Manasa C, CAD Engineer for final year and pre final year students of Mechanical Engineering.15th and 16th Dec 2021
Industrial visitDepartment of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE organized a visit to: “Kaypee electronics & associates Pvt Ltd (Falco Electronics)” Bangalore for the students of Mechanical Engineering2021-12-12
ExhibitionDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a visit to: “Green Vehicle Expo” BIEC, Bangalore for the students of Mechanical Engineering2021-11-29
WebinarDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organized a Webinar on "Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic World” in association with Uni-Approach Higher Education Consulting, for the students of Mechanical Engineering2021-11-12
WebinarDepartment of Mechanical Engineering in association with Department of Electrical Engineering is organized a webinar on” Ansys” for the faculty members of EE, ME, EC, ECT & ML2021-11-02
WebinarA webinar on “Quality & Management Best Practices” was organised for UG and PG students in association with Industrial Engineering & Management Department by Mr. Anuj Goel, Director, VQMS. Pvt. Ltd2021-07-16
Industrial visitDepartment of Mechanical Engineering organised a visit to LM WIND POWER, Leading wind mill blade manufacturing company in world for 3rd year students 2021-03-17
Technical Talk Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a Technical Talk on “Industrial Expectations & Practices” by Mr. Rajesh Lobo, Executive Plant Director, LM Wind Powers2021-03-04
Mechanical Engineering AssociationInaugral program took place in “SSIT-STEP” building on 27/02/2021, the program was arranged by “Mechanical department” and “Industrial Engineering and Management”.2021-02-27
WEBINAR"HVAC / Startups / Job Profile / Internship Opportunities" in association with *Prinston Smart Engineers*2020-11-06
WEBINAR"Optimization of airbag design for better FMVSS226 results" in association with BETA CAE systems.2020-11-05
WEBINARDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering Management department organized a webinar in co ordination with IGNOU on "FOLK-CAP Maths & Teaching-Learning Process" 2020-05-09
A talkAll lady faculties of department has attended a talk on "Women Health and Hygiene" by Dr. Rashmi, Ashwini Hospital, Tumkakuru, oraganised at SSIT 2019-11-29
Industrial visit3rd semester Mechanical Engineering students visited Rajmane Industry private limited 2019-08-28
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBUTION5th semester Mechanical Engineering students visited BIEC on Agritech 2019-08-28
Industrial visit4th semester Mechanical Engineering students visited Toyota kirloskar motor private limited 2019-06-12
Industrial visit6th semester Mechanical Engineering students visited LM WIND POWER 2019-04-03
Industrial visit4th and 6th semester of Mechanical Engineering visited THERMAL POWER PLANT, RAICHUR 2019-03-23
Industrial visit2nd semester Mechanical Engineering students visited Tumkur Precision Works and Global Fine Punch 2019-02-14
Industrial visit6th and 4th semester Mechanical Engineering students visited ACE Designers Foundry Division. 2019-02-14
BOOK PUBLISHEDMr. Shankar Nag G L published a Text Book on "TURBOMACHINES"2018-10-25
Industrial visit 3rd semester Mechanical Engineering students visited FITWEL TOOLS & FORGINGS 2018-09-18
MOUSigned MOU with ACE Micromatics Machine Tools 2018-02-22
Industrial visit 6th semester Mechanical Engineering students visited ACE Designers Foundry and Assembly Division 2018-01-19
MOUSigned MOU with Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association (KASSIA) 2017-12-02
TitleDescription  Date  
# Description Download
1 Scheme and syllabus M.Tech in PDM 2022-23 Download
2 Scheme and syllabus M.Tech in TPE 2022-23 Download
3 Scheme and syllabus ME I year BE 2022-23 Download
4 Scheme and syllabus ME II year BE 2023-24 Download
5 Scheme and syllabus ME III year BE 2023-24 Download
6 Scheme and syllabus ME IV year BE 2023-24 Download


The basic workshop lab/ Project lab is meant to impart elementary mechanical fabricating skills for the students of mechanical engineering, small projects involving sheet metal work, fastening by arc welding, gas welding or bolted joints and elementary metal cutting work related to general fabrication processes can be easily undertaken by students. The workshop is having three major production processes,

  • Metal cutting- Fitting section
  • Metal joining- Welding section
  • Metal forming- Sheet metal work section


In the Computer Aided Engineering Drawing (CAED) Lab, the students learn and practice engineering drawing using the Solid Edge software. There are 65 N-Computing Devices connected to Six Servers with High end Configuration with LAN connection. LED projector is also present, all the systems are backed by uninterrupted power supply of 20 kVA UPS with 40 batteries. There is also network printer facility provided to the students for the purpose of taking printouts of their drafting. This is a common facility used by  Non CS BRANCH students of 1st year.


Mechanical measurements and Metrology Lab has various measurement and calibration equipments. The major measuring instruments available are Profile projector, Tool maker’s microscope, Floating carriage micrometer, Autocollimator, etc. The major calibration equipments are load cell, slip gauges, Thermocouple, Strain gauge, Pressure gauge, etc. This lab reinforces the theoretical aspects studied in the theory course mechanical measurements and metrology


In machine shop the skill of machining operations using various machine tools are taught to the students in their second year of Mechanical engineering. The major machine tools available in the Machine shop are Lathes, Shaping machines, Milling machines, Grinding machines, and Drilling machines. The various skills taught in the lathe machine are turning, taper turning, parting, thread cutting etc. Also the gear cutting operation and shaping operations are taught on milling machine & shaping m/c respectively.


This lab is a part of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are four stroke single Cylinder Diesel Engine with Mechanical Dynamometer, Electrical Dynamometer and Motoring Test Rig. Four stroke single cylinder petrol engine, Four stroke Multi cylinder petrol engine, Cleveland open Cup apparatus for Flash & Fire point testing, Viscometer, Calorimeter, Valve timing, and Planimeter. The lab facilitates students in understanding the performance characteristics of I C engines with different types of loading systems.


This lab is setup for Computer Aided Modeling and Analysis for 3rd year Mechanical Engineering students. The lab has 20 Lenovo i5 Personal Computers installed with ALGOR-NASTRAN (FEA Package) with 99 licenses, Edge-CAM (Manufacturing – Modeling & Simulation Software) with 20 Licenses, F L Step Open Source Software (Part Programming G & M Codes) and Solid Edge V18 drafting software with 20 Licenses. The lab facilitates in giving a comprehensive hands on experience in computer aided engineering concepts, students learn the basics of finite element modeling, finite element analysis and interpretation of results including design optimization.
In the Computer aided machine drawing lab, the 2nd year students of ME learn and Practice machine drawing using solid edge software both 2D & 3D drawings.


This lab is a part of 3rd year Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite Wall, Heat Transfer Coefficient in free Convection, Heat Transfer Coefficient in a pin fin apparatus, Emissivity of a Surface, Stefan Boltzman Constant, LMTD & Effectiveness in a Parallel Flow and Counter flow Heat Exchanger and Thermal Conductivity Equipments. This lab facilitates the students in understanding the modes of heat transfer i.e., conduction, convection and radiation concepts.


This lab is a part of final year Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Journal bearing test rig, Governors, Vibration Test Rig, Balancing Apparatus, Deflection of Curved beams with strain gauge and strain indicator, Gyroscope, Whirling of Shafts. This lab facilitates students in understanding the basics of design concepts.


This lab is a part of Mechanical Engineering curriculum, where the students learn to conduct various test on compression strength, shear strength, tensile strength, clay content, moisture content, permeability and grain fineness for foundry sand also students will be given hands on experience in preparing various moulds using foundry sand. The major equipments used in the lab are sand Muller, muffle furnace, sand rammer, universal sand testing machine, sieve shaker, mechanical stirrer, and permeability meter.


This lab is establish to study the derived properties of the novel or new materials through systematic experimentation. It also encourages interdisciplinary material research. The major equipments are pin-on-disc, sand abrasive testing machine, materialistic microscope, Vicker’s micro hardness, temperature data logger, muffle furnace, polishing machine, fatigue testing machine.


  • Successfully completed Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) R & D Pilot project during 2008 for a cost of 1.25lakh on
    • Dust control measures in Rice Mills. (Installed in Manjunatha Rice mill in Tumkur)
    • Design and fabrication of improvised Cyclone separator with Tri chambered filter unit.
  • Successfully completed Department of Science & Technology (DST) project during 2010 for a cost of 16.5lakh on “Twisting Blade piston for enhanced turbulence in biofueled diesel engine- Performance and emission”
  • Mr. Lohith N was Awarded best oral Presentation for the paper submitted in NCRAIEAC-2016, held at SSIT on 21st and 22nd OCT 2016.
  • Mr. Shankar Nag G L published a Text Book on “TURBOMACHINES” in JAN 2019
  • Dr. Batluri Tilak Chandra received Young Researcher award -2020 from Institute of Scholars.
  • Mr. Meghani Molies Reddy was awarded with Best Paper Award for the paper submitted in ICRDME-2023 ,3rd -4th March,2023,SIT, Tumkur Best papaer_ICRDME 2023_60
  • Dr Batluri Tilak Chandra, Assistant professor, Dept. of Mechanical engineering published the text book “Additive Manufacturing Processes”, scientific International Publishers House, First Edition on 4th November 2024, ISSN: 978-93-6674-901-3
Patent Number 319188
Name of the Grantee Principal
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
(Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education)
Maralur, Tumkur – 572105
Date of Grant 27/08/2019
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Patent Number 413602-001
Name of the Grantee 1.Mr. Mohammed Hameeduddin Haqqani2. Dr. Jojo Panakal John3.Dr. Kannan Vellingiri

4.Dr. Rudresha S J

5.Dr. M. Sudhagar


7.Mr. J Logeshwaran

Date of Grant 15/04/2024

Application Number 201841002289
Applicant Name 1 . M.R. Kiran Gowda
2 . Dr. R. Harish Kumar
Professor And Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur 572105
Date of Filing 19/01/2018
Title of Invention “Conceptual Design And Development of Injected Two Stroke Cycle Si-Engine With Improved Scavenging
Field of Invention Mechanical Engineering
Publication Date (U/S 11a) 26/07/2019
Document View Download


1. Rajesh Kumar

Group director/ Scientist E

2. Sunil B G

Group director/ “Scientist E”
Aeronautical development agency (ADA), GOI

3. Chandrashekar Belgur

Chief Financial manager,

4. Ujjwalnath

Head of test engineering for industries, SAP Labs,

5. Ashok Kumar C V

Infosys Ltd., Bangalore.

6. Amruth Kumar

Manager Services,
HAL, Bangalore.

7. C S Srinivas

Country Head, Sales,
SIEMENS Ltd., Bangalore.

8. Sandeep H J,

Project Manager,
VOLVO groups, India.

9. M S Venkatesh

Project Manager,
VOLVO groups, India.

10. Sandesh M

Team Leader,
Oil and Gas sector, WEIREN SCI,

11. Palli Dhananjay

Assistant Engg.,
Panchayath Raj and Rural Development Department,
Govt Andhra Pradesh.

12. Vijay M

Managing Director of KMM Concrete,
Bynahalli, Bangalore.

13. Anand Kumar

Marine Engineer at Executive Ship Management,

14. Anil S R Bandalkar

Assistant Engineer
EGIS India Consulting Pvt Ltd.,

15. T Shivaraj

Design Engineer, Advanced Structures India,