Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering was one of the two departments started along with the institute in 1979 with an intake of 60 students. Ever since the department has grown from strength to strength. It has well qualified, experienced and dedicated staff members. In fact it has more senior staff members than any other department in the institute. It is also supported by good number of non teaching staff.
The department has all the laboratory required to train the students as per the syllabi. The laboratories like Strength of Materials, Concrete, Highway, Geotech, Environmental, Fluid Mechanics and Survey were all established in early years of the department. The department also takes up consultancy work as well as testing of materials.

Dr. B H Manjunath
Vision of the Department
Provide state of art education, to facilitate students to become good professionals in Civil Engineering domain, capable of contributing to the advancement of the technology.
Mission of the Department
- To impart technical education to meet the infrastructural needs of society.
- To develop sound fundamental knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering enabling them to pursue higher education and research.
- Coverage of the cutting edge technologies and eco-friendly designs.
- Imbibe ethical values, promote entrepreneurship, team work and self- learning capabilities.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO1: Strong basics in Engineering Sciences lead to professional careers and ability to pursue higher studies.
- PEO2: Skills in the Analysis and Design of Engineering Problems.
- PEO3: Instill Professional Ethics, Teamwork, Managerial skills and continuous Learning Capabilities.
- PEO4: Imbibe competency to handling civil engineering projects and Entrepreneurship qualities.
Program Outcomes (POs)
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- Bridge the gap through value added carrier enabled practical courses.
- Excellence performance in the field of Geo-informatics through courses and camps.

Professor and HODExperience: 24

Prof. S R Ramesh
ProfessorExperience: 30

Dr. H Venugopal
ProfessorExperience: 37

ProfessorExperience: 31

Sahana T S
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 14

Praveen J V
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 13

Dr. A R Pradeep
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 14 years 6 months

Dr. Sowjanya G V
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 13

Abilash K E
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 09

Assistant ProfessorExperience: 05

Guruprasad T N
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 12

Assistant ProfessorExperience: 09

Assistant ProfessorExperience: 11

Rakesh M
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 01

Kavya N
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 01

Hema H
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 01

Akshay J
Assistant ProfessorExperience: 10 years
INSTRUCT | “Recent Development in Concrete Technology” | “Recent Development in Concrete Technology” by Dr. Mahesh Kumar G. Date 24-26th April 2023. | 24-04-2023. |
IGBC | Webinar on “Retrofit of Existing Buildings to reduce GHG Emissions and achieve NetZero Status” | Webinar on “Retrofit of Existing Buildings to reduce GHG Emissions and achieve NetZero Status” by Girish R Visvanathan Director-Technical, Earthonomic Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. Dated 21st December 2022 | 21-12-2022 |
IGBC | Celebration of National Pollution control day | Celebration of National Pollution control day and followed by technical talk by Er. Mallesh Retired Executive Engineer, PWD, Tumakuru. Dated 21st December 2022 | 21-12-2022 |
INSTRUCT | “Design of Concrete, Steel & Composite Structures” | “Design of Concrete, Steel & Composite Structures” by Sri Seshadri S, Hon. Vice Chairman INSTRUCT Bangalore. Date 14-16th September 2022. | 4-09-2022. |
INSTRUCT | “Recent Trends in Geotechnical Engineering” | “Recent Trends in Geotechnical Engineering” by Dr. T S Umesha, Date 17-19th March 2022. | 17-03-2022. |
ICI | Three Days Workshop | Three Days Workshop on “Advanced Leadership and Management Skills” | 06-01-2022 |
ICI | Two days’ workshop | Two days’ workshop on “Forensic Engineering” | 12-02-2021 |
INSTRUCT | “Repairs, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures” | “Repairs, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures” by Sri Manjunatha, Hon. Treasurer INSTRUCT Bangalore. Date 16-18th December 2020. | 16-12- 2020. |
IGBC | Webinar on "Green building" | The Department of Civil Engineering, SSIT, Tumakuru is organising a webinar on "Green building" by Ar. Smruthi M Gupta ,Urban Planner,Planungsbuero Richter-Richard, Germany, from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM 0n 3rd October 2020 (Saturday) | 03-10-2020 |
IGBC | Webinar On “Industrial Pollution and its Control” | Webinar On “Industrial Pollution and its Control” dated 20th August 2020 by D R Kumar Swamy Rtrd CEO KSPCB Bengaluru | 20-08-2020 |
IGBC | Webinar On “Industrial Project Progress Report” | Webinar On “Industrial Project Progress Report”dated 10th June 2020 by Er. Sivaraman Charted Civil Engineer Saudi Arabia. | 10-06-2020 |
ICI | Two days’ Industrial Training | Two days’ Industrial Training on “Center Line Marking in Construction” | 08-09-2019 |
Two days workshop | Two days workshop on “TOTAL STATION” organized by Civil Engineering Department, SSIT, Tumakuru held at Siddarabetta | 30-12-2016 | |
Two day workshop attended by Mr. A R Pradeep | Two day workshop on "GOOD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES (GCCP-2016)" organized by Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad and in association with Indian Concrete Institute Hyderabad Center (ICI-HUDC) | 28-10-2016 | |
SSIT-ICI Student Chapter | Inauguration of SSIT-ICI Student Chapter | 28-03-2019 | |
Three days 47th ISTE National Annual Convention attended by Dr. T V Mallesh, Dr. D Rajanaik and Mr. Abilash K E | Three days 47th ISTE National Annual Convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam | 27-06-2018 | |
INSDAG CIVIL AWARD 2018-2019 | B E final year students, Ms.Sindhu D M (16CV070) and Ms.Thanushree (16CV076) got selected to final round of INSDAG CIVIL AWARD 2018-2019 to be held at Kolkata. | 26-12-2019 | |
One day seminar | One day seminar on "Water Sources Conservation" organized by Civil Engineering Department, SSIT, Tumakuru. | 26-08-2016 | |
Five days workshop attended by Mr. A R Pradeep | Five days workshop on Finite Element Method and its Application to Civil Engineering at IIT Bombay, Mumbai | 26-06-2017 | |
Two days workshop | Two days workshop on “TOTAL STATION” organized by Civil Engineering Department, SSIT, Tumakuru | 24-09-2016 | |
MoU with Prayojana Construction Management Training Institute | An MoU with Prayojana Construction Management Training Institute, #197 E/5, 2nd Floor, 27th cross, 8th Main Road, 3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru - 560011, was done to promote various technical activites in the department. | 23-10-2019 | |
MoU with Lawrence and Mayo India Pvt Ltd. | An MoU with Lawrence and Mayo India Pvt Ltd., No.179-G, 96(5/1), N R Road, Bangalore - 560002, was done to promote various technical activites in the department. | 23-10-2019 | |
MoU with Engineers Association Tumkur, | An MoU with Engineers Association Tumkur, Engineers Association ®,Arahanth compound, 4th main road, Gandhinagara, Tumakuru – 572101, was done to promote various technical activites in the department. | 23-10-2019 | |
Five Days Faculty Development Programme attended by Mrs. G V Sowjanya | Five Days Faculty Development Programme on “Stability of structures and applications of FEM” at BMSIT and M, Bangalore <!-- --> | 23-06-2017 | |
MoU with SAMSKRITI FOUNDATION | An MoU with SAMSKRITI FOUNDATION ®SRI RAMANUJA VISHVA VIDYA PRATHISHTHANAM (SRVVP)Sri Vivekollasini Sabha, Raja Street, Melukote - 571431, was done to promote various technical activites in the department. | 22-11-2019 | |
Two days workshop | Two days workshop on "ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MULTI STOREY BUILDING USING SOFTWARE" organized by Civil Engineering Department, SSIT, Tumakuru | 22-10-2016 | |
Two days summit attended by Dr. T V Mallesh, Prof. S R Ramesh and Mrs. M Roopa | Two days summit on “Sustainable Smart Cities in India” at Bangalore (Sterling Mac Hotel) organized by NISPANA | 22-09-2016 | |
Software training programme | Review of the software training programme on “E-tabs (Phase-II)” at SSIT, Tumakuru organized by Department of Civil Engineering | 22-07-2017 | |
Three day software training programme | Three day software training programme on “E-tabs (Phase-I)” at SSIT, Tumakuru organized by Department of Civil Engineering | 22-06-2017 | |
IGBC | INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (IGBC) student chapter | Inaguration of INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (IGBC) student chapter | 22-03-2019 |
ACCE | Three days workshop | Three days workshop on “Subsoil Exploration” | 21-04-2023 |
Technical Seminar | Technical Seminar on “Performance Based Analysis Using ETAB” in association with CAD centre, organized by Civil Engg department | 19-03-2019 | |
One day workshop | One day workshop on "E-Cadd Survey software" conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering. | 18-11-2017 | |
SSIT-CIVIL JOURNAL CLUB | Inauguration of SSIT-CIVIL JOURNAL CLUB was in Dept of civil engineering for encouraging students for various technical activities. | 18-09-2019 | |
A Home in one hour | Certified the prefab houses based on tests carried out as per 'Rebound Hammer' methodology for Compressive strength. | 18-08-2018 | |
Three days FDP programme attended by Dr. T V Mallesh and Dr. D Raja naik | Three days FDP programme on "Recent Trends in Environmental Process and Procedures" held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere | 17-01-2019 | |
Institutional Membership in INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL | Department of Civil Engg, SSIT, Tumkur, Became an Institutional Member of INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (IGBC) Hyderabad. | 16-11-2018 | |
Two day seminar | Two day seminar on DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGIES OF TALL STRUCTURES AND URBAN HABITAT organized by Civil Engineering Department, SSIT, Tumakuru | 16-09-2016 | |
Six days faculty development programme attended by Mr. Abilash K E | Six days faculty development programme on ‘Recent Advancements in Transportation Engineering’ (RATE-2017) at MSRIT, Bangalore <!-- --> | 16-06-2017 | |
Two days summit attended by Dr. T V Mallesh, Mr. J V Praveen, Mr. A R Pradeep, Mrs. G V Sowjanya, Mrs. Sahana and Mrs. M Roopa | Two days summit on ‘Innovative Cities in India Summit 2017’ organized by TCE, Bangalore held at The Chancery Pavilion Hotel, Bangalore | 16-03-2017 | |
A speech given by Dr. Rajanaik D regarding Sant Sevalal Jayanthi invited by Kannada and Culture Department, Tumakuru, Government of Karnataka. | 15-02-2019 | ||
One day SAFETY AWARENESS workshop | One day workshop on “ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS PROGRAM” organized by HONDA INDIA LIMITED, CHENNAI. | 12-11-2019 | |
Institutional Membership in Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) | Department of Civil Engg, SSIT, Tumkur, Became an Institutional Member of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India). | 10-09-2019 | |
Institutional Membership in Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) | Department of Civil Engg, SSIT, Tumkur, Became an Institutional Member of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India). | 10-09-2019 | |
National seminar and exhibition attended by Prof. S R Ramesh | National seminar and exhibition on “Global trends in concrete-steel composite structures design and construction”, Bengaluru | 10-05-2019 | |
National seminar and exhibition attended by | National seminar and exhibition on “Global trends in concrete-steel composite structures design and construction”, Bengaluru | 10-05-2019 | |
MoU with PRAKRUTHI INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES | An MoU with PRAKRUTHI INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, BENGALURU, A Unit of PRAKRUTHI FOUNDATION, was done to promote various technical activites in the department. | 06-11-2019 | |
One day faculty development programme attended by Mrs. Roopa M and Mr. T N Guruprasad | One day faculty development programme on “Interoperability on Structural and Architectural Elements Using AECOSim at RNSIT, Benguluru | 04-03-2019 | |
Five Days Faculty Development Programme | Five Days Faculty Development Programme on “E-cadd survey” organized by Department of Civil Engineering | 12-06-2018 | |
World Water Day - 2018 | Dr. T V Mallesh was Chief guest to World Water Day - 2018 Function at Aryabharathi Polytechnic, Tumkur | 10-04-2018 | |
Inauguration of INSTRUCT Student Chapter in the Department of Civil Engg, SSIT, Tumkur and also become members. | 10-01-2018 | ||
Two days faculty development programme attended by Mr. A R Pradeep | Two days faculty development programme on "Software Application Lab" at RRCE, Bangalore | 08-02-2018 | |
Five Days Faculty Development Programme attended by Mrs. G V Sowjanya | Five days faculty development programme on ‘Repair, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Concrete Structures’ at Brindavan College of Engineering, Bangalore organized by Civil Engineering Department, BCE, Bangalore in association with VTU. | 06-02-2018 | |
Two Day Faculty Development Programme | Two Day Faculty Development Programme on “Primavera” organized by Department of Civil Engineering | 02-05-2018 | |
One day workshop attended by Mr. B H Manjunath | One day workshop on "Urban Transport Management (Utm)" Organised by Association of Bangalore university highway engineering alumni (ABUHEA), at Hotel, The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore. | 11-03-2017 | |
One day workshop attended by Mr. A R Pradeep | One day workshop on “Advanced Design of Steel Structures” organized by VTU at BIT, Bangalore | 04-04-2017 |
# | Description | Download |
1 | Scheme and syllabus I year M.Tech in CADS 2022-23 | Download |
2 | Scheme and syllabus II year M.Tech in CADS 2022-23 | Download |
3 | Scheme and syllabus CIVIL I year BE 2022-23 | Download |
4 | Scheme and syllabus CIVIL II year BE 2023-24 | Download |
5 | Scheme and syllabus CIVIL III year BE 2023-24 | Download |
6 | Scheme and syllabus CIVIL IV year BE 2023-24 | Download |
Civil Computer Laboratory

The Civil Computer Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department was established to facilitate the practical course work of UG students. It expediates the computation platform to execute simulation/ modelling/ analysis related to the lab courses of UG/ PG students of the department. Advanced civil engineering software are procured for making the students globally competitive and industry ready. Students get professional training on 2D & 3D drafting of Civil Engineering drawings using the latest version of software. Student will learn computer aided design layout, 3D solid modelling. It complements other computational resources of the department by offering computer hardware and software aimed at the specific requirements of Civil Computer Laboratory hardware includes high-performance PCs, projector
A suite of civil engineering software including the latest versions of AutoCAD, STAAD Pro V8i,E – survey CADD, ERDAS IMAGINE SOFTWARE are available to students on a walk-in basis when required for project support.
Geo technical engineering Laboratory

Geotechnical engineering laboratory is equipped with all the necessary basic characterization of soils pertaining to index properties and strength properties. Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering that deals with the engineering behaviour of subsurface or earth materials.
It includes soil mechanics, which is essential to identify, characterize and study the mechanics of soil/rock and applied soil mechanics, which transfers the behavioural knowledge to practice. This includes investigating existing subsurface conditions and materials; determining their engineering behaviour that are relevant to the project considered, assessing risks posed by site conditions; designing earthworks and foundations.
A typical geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behaviour of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and byproducts such as fly ash, Red mud, coal ash etc. There are different physical, chemical and geotechnical properties determined in the laboratory that is required for identifying the geomaterials.
This information is used by geotechnical engineer for designing the type of foundations, earthworks such as dams, embankments, tunnels, reservoirs, pavement subgrades, and specialized applications like waste containment systems. The preciseness of such design is entirely based on the experimental information obtained from a geotechnical laboratory. Therefore, geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Environmental Engineering Laboratory is exclusively related to public health and environmental sustainability where analysis of ground water, drinking water and wastewater is carried out.
AICTE-MODROB lab with well equipped digital instruments like Spectrophotometer, Bacteriological incubator and water analyzer, it is also using by research scholars and project students.
Concrete Technology Laboratory

Concrete technology laboratory provides facilities to conduct all quality control tests on cement, aggregates and concrete (Fresh and hardened). Students learn the standard procedure to test the quality of building materials in line with the corresponding IS codes. The lab has equipment for conducting various tests on concrete to verify quality in the construction phase. In addition to meeting the curriculum and consultancy requirements, the equipment in the laboratory are extensively utilized for projects by students of UG, PG and also by faculty for their research work.
Basic Materials Testing Laboratory

This lab helps to learn the basic knowledge of mathematics and engineering in finding the strength in tension, compression, shear, torsion, and flexure of various materials. Through this lab students will be able to evaluate the impact of engineering solutions on the society and also will be aware of contemporary issues regarding failure of structures due to unsuitable materials.
Survey Laboratory

The survey lab is used for surveying exercises and is equipped with all latest instrumentation viz levels, total stations, for conducting ground surveying works.
Geology Laboratory

The Geology lab is used for experiments related to crystallography and mineralogy. State-of-the-art facilities are also available for experiments on structural geology.

The hydraulics laboratory is fully equipped with all the facilities and experimental setup through which students are given a very good demonstration to understand various methods of measurement of flow rates, capacity & velocity of water in tanks, closed pipes and open channels.
AICTE sponsored STTP
AICTE sponsored STTP – short term training program on “Application of GIS and remote sensing in civil engineering” for the Grant of Rupees 3,00,000/- from All India Council for Technical Education,(AICTE), Government of India for the academic year 2019-2020. Coordinator: Dr. T V Mallesh

The AICTE funded MODROB lab for “Assessment of water quality parameters” for the Grant of Rupees 6,28,078/- from All India Council for Technical Education,(AICTE), Government of India for the academic year 2019-2020. Investigator: Dr. T V Mallesh

KSCST State Level Project Seminar & Exhibition

JNANA SHREE G, AJITH KUMAR N, LAVANYA R, and POOJA B Students of department of Civil Engineering, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru selected for State level Project Seminar and Exhibition organized by Visvesvaraya Technological university Belagavi under Student Project Programme held at Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodubidire, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka from 11th to 12thAugust 2023.
Event name – Seminar and Exhibition organized by Visvesvaraya Technological university Belagavi
Date – 11th to 12thAugust 2023
SRIRAKSHA R DAS, SANJANA M, THUNGASHREE B S, and PAVAN H S, Students of Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, secured Best Project of the Year award during the Seminar and Exhibition organized by Visvesvaraya Technological university Belagavi on 12th & 13th August 2022. They have been awarded a 10,000/- Cash Prize.

Event name – Seminar and Exhibition organized by Visvesvaraya Technological university Belagavi
Date – 12th & 13th August 2022

ASHWIN GOWDA H R, AMRUTHA R., BHAVANA K Y, and SUDARSHAN H V Students of department of Civil Engineering, Sri Siddhartha Institute Of Technology , Tumakuru secured First Place for the project titled “Study On Partial Replacement Of E- Plastic Waste as Coarse Aggregate” in the Online National Level inter College Project Competition, in Association with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Bengaluru, held on 4th August 2021.
Event name – “DBIT TeXpo-2021” organized by DBIT-KSCST Intellectual Property Cell, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Date – 4th August 2021
One of the flagship annual events of the institution is the project exhibition and competition TECHNODEA The objective of the event is to provide a platform to Engineering students across the country to exhibit their innovation projects carried out in the academic year. This has been carried out since 2008. The event had three categories, viz., UG section which is open for all the students of national level engineering college, Hobby project section for SSIT students only, and PG section for SSIT students only. In the UG section, the projects of Civil, CSE, EEE, ECE, ETE, ISE, IEM, MLE, and ME were allowed for registration. The following table shows the winners from the Civil Engineering Department in TECHNODEA
Academic year |
Place |
Project Title |
Name |
Date |
I Prize
18CV069 |
24th, 25th June 2022 |
18CV082 |
18CV095 |
18CV106 |
II Prize |
18CV013 |
24th, 25th June 2022 |
18CV017 |
18CV028 |
18CV031 |
I Prize
19CV056 |
2nd and 3rd June 2023 |
19CV080 |
19CV088 |
19CV094 |
II Prize |
20CV421 |
2nd and 3rd June 2023
19CV052 |
19CV058 |
19CV093 |
Prominent Alumni Details
Sridhar Y M
Assistant Executive Engineer
KPTCL Bangalore -
Siddharaje Gowda B S
Assistant Executive Engineer
BBMP, Bangalore -
Sudheendra K
Principal Engineer
Wsp Design Consultants India Pvt Ltd -
Sunil H S
Project Manager
Rmz Pvt Ltd Bangalore -
Rigil Roy Abraham
Senior Engineer
Shanders group Bangalore -
Kavya S L
Assistant Engineer
KPCL Bangalore
Assistant Engineer
PWD Bangalore -
Roopa Arvind
Assistant Engineer
KPCL Bangalore -
Rakesh Prabhu
Senior Manager
Shobha Construction Pvt Ltd -
Shwetha K V
Assistant Engineer
Irrigation Department
Bhadravathi, Shivamoga -
Pallavi G B
Assistant Engineer
Irrigation Department
Tumakuru -
Vinay Kumar
Postdoctoral Scholar
University of Texas, Astin